Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are there going to be more labs?

    Yes! More labs are coming soon and upgrades to existing labs are free!

  2. Will there be Learning Management System integration?

    Yes, we are working on integrating with various learning management systems.

  3. How do I choose a package?

    You choose a package when you create a course.

  4. How do I pay for a package?

    You choose a package when you create a course. If you choose a paid package, after you create a course, you will receive an invoice by email. You can pay the invoice by secure credit card or by secure ACH bank transfer. Your course will be in an "unpaid" or "open" state until the invoice has been paid. You have 14 days to pay your invoice. Once the invoice is paid, all of the package features will be available and your course will be in the "paid" state.

  5. How long does it take for a course to be available after an invoice is paid?

    Courses are available immediately after an invoice has been paid but there might be a few minute delay with our payment processor. Refresh your dashboard to get the latest course status. If you experience problems, please contact us.

  6. How do I add students to my course?

    When you create a course, you enter a join code for your course. Distribute this join code to your students. Your students will use the join code to join your course themselves.

  7. How do I reset a student's lab score?

    In your course dashboard, click on the "Student Scores" button under the lab. Find the student you want to reset the score for, then click on the "Trashcan" icon to remove the student scores for that lab. This will remove the student scores for that lab and allow them to retake it.

  8. Why are the Check buttons disabled?

    Check buttons in sections like the pretest and analysis become disabled after a user has used up all attempts or completed a section. You can check to see if you have completed a section by looking at your score card. An instructor can also reset a student's lab scores to allow them to perform the lab again.